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Daum Nancy Glass - The Art Nouveau France Style That You Need To Know

Daum Nancy with Cross of Loraine - Enamelled rare perfume bottle
Daum Nancy with Cross of Loraine - Enamelled rare perfume bottle

Daum Nancy Glass has deep roots in the French glass industry. Established in 1878, it was initially a company producing watch glasses and other glassware for taverns.

Pioneers In Glassware

Since its founding in 1878, Daum Nancy Glass has pioneered the development of novel techniques in glassware. In the early 20th century, the Daum family created some of the finest art glassware in France. This tradition continues today with their renowned art nouveau collections.

A Rich History Of Craftsmanship

The Daum family began their career producing watch glasses and other small items made of glass. From this humble beginning, they grew to become one of France's leading manufacturers of tableware and window glass.

Timeless Creations

In its long history, Daum Nancy Glass has never stopped innovating or creating original designs to satisfy consumer tastes and preferences. Their latest collection is a stellar example: contemporary pieces that are both elegant and functional.

Daum Nancy Glass - The Finest Crystal In The World

Daum Nancy Glass is one of the world's most prestigious manufacturers of fine crystal. They have been producing outstanding quality crystals for over 100 years. Their company aims to create a product that people will treasure for generations.

What is Daum Nancy Glass?

Daum Art Nouveau Blackberry Grapevine Vase in Roman Finish
Daum Art Nouveau Blackberry Grapevine Vase in Roman Finish

Daum Nancy Glass is a crystal studio based in Nancy, France, founded in 1878. The company was initially established as a glass factory and specialized in producing art nouveau glasswork and art glass. Daum's founder was a master craftsman who made his mark on the world of art glass. He was not only an artist but also a businessman with a vision.

It is currently one of the few remaining producers of Art Nouveau-style objects out there today. The factory's production consists mainly of vases, tableware, and decorative items such as lamps and perfume bottles.

Daum Nancy is one of the world's oldest glassware manufacturers that still produces its original products.

The History of Daum Nancy Glass

The story of Daum Nancy Glass, founded in 1878, is the story of creativity and innovation. The company has a history of producing some of the most iconic glassware, and its designs are still widely recognizable today.

Daum Nancy began production with their first pieces being hand-blown and etched with their logo and a floral pattern to keep it from being confused with other companies products. Their early items were mostly vases, perfume bottles, dishes, and glasses for wine or champagne.

Why Daum's Art Glass is Unique and Special

The Cross of Lorraine, a symbol of the French region Ile-de-France and former dukedom, features prominently as an inspiration for Daum's Art Glass. The pâte de Verre technique creates enameled and engraved vases in an art nouveau style.

  • Beautiful products crafted by hand in the classic "art nouveau" style.

  • Gallé has influenced the vases.

  • The Daum Nancy mark includes the Lorraine cross and the words "Daum Nancy."

  • Beautifully handcrafted vases with a cameo in the style of art nouveau

  • Using the historic pâte de Verre technique, these vases have intense colors and subtle shading

Pâte de Verre is a technique where the artist melts down the glass into a liquid form. Then, the artist dyes it with different colors, creating a rich deep color. Daum's Art Glass is enameled and engraved with "art nouveau" style cameos.

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